We found out on Monday that Arwen, my sister's German Sheppard was put to sleep over the weekend. Apparently, she stopped eating and was subsequently diagnosed as having cancer of the ear.
Arwen spent some time being fostered full time at day care. I remember she used to bark at me all the time and wasn't much the bonding type of girl. But, when my boy came...she mellowed slightly. My boy would always poke her for play but Arwen only tolerated him. She didn't eat much at day care ...so, she was always skinny. She seemed to be yearning to go home to be with her other siblings. Sometime in Feb 2009, she got to go home! She managed to put on some weight but was still her barky self whenever we visited.
Here's my boy giving her a peck in the cheek. *sweets*
...which reminds me, I need to clean my dogs ears tomorrow.
Photo on 1 November 2009
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