Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Checking the balls

Hiro went for his first vet visit today. He was very well-behaved. Handsome boy .... so said his vets.

Thank goodness he hasn't touch 40 kg. But I think he should lose at least 3 kg for the sake of his hind legs. Might be do-able since he hasn't shown signs of greed and gluttony yet.

Vet confirms his hind legs are weak from hip dysplasia. He should be feeling pain from it. So, he has to undergo acupuncture sessions until his legs and hips improve. He will also take herbal medication and glucosamine.

He was very calm while his body became a pin cushion for the one hour acupuncture session. Midway through, he grabbed the leash and wanted to go home. Luckily, a small dog show started and he sat down again to watch. Thankfully, he didn't think of humping any of them.

Vet gives him a clean bill of health except his Globulin. So, he got one week's herbal medication to thin his blood.

We will see whether he can be neutered next week. Vet said to go though a week plus of his meds to strengthen his legs first. He has 2 external growths on his abdomen.... which will be removed with his balls.


Chris said...

Good boy, Hiro!!! You are my hero!!! Thanks for sending him to the vet. Ya, luckily he hasn't reach 40kg....sweet Hiro....thanks so, so much...acupuncture is expensive! Years of being tied up with no exercise has weaken his hind legs...i noticed that when I first got him. Can't wait for him to be neutered. Hope he gets through the 'snip'....

beeworks said...

Just hope he show great improvements with his treatment. Vet said he doesn't have enough muscles in his legs to support his weight. So, he still needs exercise to build leg muscles. I think it would help to lose some kilos to be able to walk better.