Sunday, November 3, 2019

Breakfast at 6 Haruki

Keeping to his manners on the breakfast mat. Sit, wait ........ and OK. Gobbled down in 30 seconds. Breakfast was chicken, pumpkin and rice with a omega fish oil and Synoquin (glucosamine).

Good boy!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Wow!!!! You are a wonderful mummy!!!! First time in his life, he has a wonderful breakfast!!!! A wonderful kong kong!!!! I am close to tears, that finally, he has found love, care and attention!! He deserves it, sweet Hiro!!! Hope he gets used to his new name fast. Far cry from those tied up, lonely, loveless, unwanted 9 long years, ..... God bless you and your family!!! I could only say "wow!" Over and over!