Sunday, June 21, 2020

Hiro the hero

Hiro overcame many health issues since his arrival. Mass cell tumour then heartworm.

Recently, he had gained a lot of weight very rapidly. At first, I thought it was a side effect of the steroids in his antibiotics taken after his surgery. After trying to do some weight management without much results, we went to the vet to have him examined. His blood test was all clear (within normal band).

It turns out that fluids have been accumulating in his abdomen. So, it was drained in 2 sessions. On Friday, 600 ml came out (1 small mineral bottle). Yesterday, a whopping 2 litres (2 large mineral water bottles) was drained out. The boy was so calm and zen through the one hour process.

After the session, some 2 kilos came off. His proper waistline could be seen again. There is more fluid inside.... hope that it will subside naturally with some diuretic medication. He will need to get down to 32-34 kg for better quality of life.

Back home and resting....

The vet suspects it may he may have heart issues (from the heartworms early on). He will be monitored if the fluids come back. We have to get a heart scan sometime next week. Pray hard that it is treatable.


Chris said...

Oh dear, oh dear, poor Hiro.... How come he is in such bad shape? Suddenly fluid's in his stomach.. Never imagined he'll be so sick. But he has been such a sweet boy throughout it all. Am so sorry for all those burden on you....he's got a great Momma now. Thank you so much!

beeworks said...

He is doing better now that his abdomen fluids were drained out and his heart medication treatment started. He's back to his normal weight of respectable 36 kg. Not too thin... not too fat. No worries.