Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Age of the Innocence is now Gone with the Wind

It's coming to three months since Hiro's surgery and weeks since his heartworm treatment, I was counting the days till Hiro completely finish his medication.

Recently, I noticed the boy has been losing weight rapidly. So much so that, his skull now has two prominent indentations on his forehead. He has lost his boxy face now. My self-investigation on the net had diagnosed it as some kind of Myositis from his physical symptoms. So, we went to the visit last Sunday.

After some blood test etc, the vet said that it is likely due to the prolonged anti-inflammatory meds that contains steroids, which he has been taking for the past months. The steroid medication is causing side effects like increased hunger. For the moment, he still needs to finish his course of medication to fight any cancer spread.

In spite of his apparent weight loss, his appetite has been voracious. He is seems to be constantly hungry.... even right after meals. In the early days when a walk in the garden meant Hiro smelling the flowers and fertilising the plants in the garden. Nowadays, he is foraging the grounds from fallen papayas and other unknown stuff. Last weekend, he went through my compost pots for prawn shells and egg shells!

Last Wednesday morning, he was unusually busy in the garden ... so much that he was late for breakfast. I went looking for him and found him in the bushes. A closer look found him with a rat in his mouth! No photos... too grossed out to capture the moment. I shouted for him to let go. The more I called out, the faster he wanted to swallow the rat. So there, he ate the rat like a snake. One big blood-less swallow.

So, we were back to the vet again.

Eating a rat can lead to many more dangers that I first thought. My first concern was whether he could digest the swallowed rat. Then, whether it was a dead or live rat that he ate. Due to his laid-back nature, I cannot think that he has the hunting instinct to catch one live. So, now the fear was if it was dead, it could have died from rat poison... and now being digested by the boy. The vet said I had to watch out for rat urine disease too....which will show symptoms of jaundice over the next few days.

So, Hiro was prescribe another series of antibiotics and anti inflammatory medication. It's been five days now. He seems to be OK. No signs of jaundice or other poisoning reactions. Still hungry.

During his first vet visit last December, he was 36 kg and he is at 32 kg now. It has been about one kilo loss, each time he is weighed recent vet visits. Now, we have to feed him lunch to compensate the weight loss.

Nowadays, walking in the garden has become more of a hunting outing for food. We are left with praying that he ate a healthy rat who had already did his morning pee before death.


Chris said...

Ai yoh.....poor Hiro. And you. You must also be stressed out having to take him to the vet all the time, and becoming his full time health is stressful....i know.

Oh dear, oh dear.... Who would have known, that he would have so many health sad...hope you are ok, and have some help coping with the situation.

Lenggong Boy said...

Boy is ok. No side effects from rat intake.